
30 Day Challenges ~ February : Beverage Habits

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love TED Talks. So, one day, I stumbled upon the concept of 30 Day Challenges at TED, which I had seen before in several arenas of the web, but this one got me going on the idea of creating my own 30 Day Challenges and thus opening up my world to things I may have never otherwise tried, nor perhaps continued to integrate into my lifestyle.

With that said, I think February (and the the first 2 days of March) will be the month of a shift in beverage consumption.

It is an elimination of excessive amounts of coffee in the morning, which I have unfortunately built up to, and even the occassional alcoholic drink.

And yet, it is also the addition of more green tea and homemade juices, smoothies, and gazpachos, if you will. I used to do this, no problemo, but life circumstances can easily derail us a bit if we are not choosing to be more conscious of the whole of a situation.

 But that is certainly okay. It is the beauty of this ongoing project. There is no right or wrong. Just striving to better oneself and open up one's world. And at this point, I am simply trying to make healthier choices at the moment. Maybe in the future I will even write a novel in 30 days... who knows.... the possibilities are endless.

To find out more, visit my 30 Day Challenges page to gain more insight about how you can be inspired in making changes and reaching awesome goals, and to check out some of the challenges I have completed, as well.

If you would like to join me in following your own challenges, feel free to post your experiences in the comments below and on our official page. Thanks, and enjoy challenging yourself. 


"50 Ways" at Tiny Buddha

I just tapped into this super insightful website called Tiny Buddha. And though I have not gone through the entire resource, I did come across many purposeful articles therein. Several of which run under the theme of "50 Ways to..." . Now, I have to tell you, I am not a Buddhist, per se, but I certainly find much of the Buddhist philosophy, spirituality, and wisdom to have a depth of meaning and truth in my life. Buddhism allows me to constantly learn, open up to myself in new ways, and open up to the world around me. I would like to share with you a handful of my finds.... we are talking about a collective list of 250 to dos, so maybe I won't get to them all, but there is definitely something for anyone and everyone in each article.

For now, choosing one thing to immediately act upon from each article (in order from above), I have decided to:
  • Start watching TED videos to learn about inspiring ideas.
  • Volunteer at my local animal shelter.
  • Exhibit much more patience, even when I am in a hurry.
  • Make a simple sacrifice to spend more time with friends and family.
  • Take up urban foraging.
Furthermore, I am looking forward to using these simple and creative compilations both as future reminders and as a collection of new ideas.


One Word For the New Year ~ Lucidity

      I was just talking to my husband this morning about how I no longer feel compelled to make specific resolutions for the year to come. In the past, it has felt more like a diet plan of rules and regulations or a list of unrealistic expectations instead of the original core intent of attempting to simply do better consciously in the up and coming future. On the other hand, starting fresh and making refinements always does appeal to me. So, I was browsing through my email and I came across this more simple, doable take on making changes in your life at the mark of the new year from Family Your Way. All you do is chose a word... only one word... with great depth and meaning and promise for you and your ultimate goals in the future. It is the coolest idea! So, my word for 2014 is:

Lucidity ~

 This refers to many aspects of my life. Among my goals encompassing this lovely word are:

  • Paying better attention to everything
  • Living in the present moment 
  • Making more eye contact when speaking or silently engaging (though, listening is not my weak point)
  • To stop, look, and listen to the kids as much as possible
  • Exhibiting more patience
  • Conscientious speech
  • More focus, more awareness
  • Positive thoughts and manifestations
  • Setting goals and following through
  • Making conscious efforts to connect to others every day
  • Making conscious efforts to reach my dreams

...... the list absolutely goes on..... this year is about clarity, truth, and simply being an active, present part of my life and the important people that I care for and beyond. 

How about you? Do you have just one word that signifies your goals for 2014? If so, feel free to share your thoughts and good luck in your pursuit to continue improving and refining your life. 


January Literature

        Lately, I have taken on a more literature-based approach to homeschool with my third grader. I have been creating unit studies and spawning unit study ideas from other amazing sources, as well. In the last few weeks, we read Mr. Popper's Penguins by Florence and Richard Atwater, and The Nutcracker by E.T.A. Hoffman. Need I say, these are truly timeless classics.
       And now, January has it's own theme. It is looking like we are diving into a little Laura Ingalls Wilder.... Oh, heck yes!!! We are going full-on pioneer this month! I am so excited to tie in Social Studies/History, Language Arts, Art, etc.... There are so many resources online to support several educational angles on the subject, as well!

          As for my Kindergartener, we are centering our lessons around winter and snow and of course, fairy tales. I am sure there will be several other supporting books, but these were a few main ones I gathered up to exemplify January's overall theme.

          By the way, I always go to the library. In fact, last time I went, I got a little emotional at the endless, delectable information and literature at my very fingertips. Free, public access to vast and endless, juicy information and lit........ oh my goodness, we are fortunate as a society! So... point being..... I always access the large collection of material provided by our local libraries when I do not have the proper and more extensive resources on hand. Libraries are a rich, yet free resource. Libraries are a gem to all!

Cheers to great literature and the month of January!


January Photo Challenge

         Sometimes it is hard to take on New Year's resolutions or meticulous projects you set out to do. But one thing I found that seems simple and could be really fun is to participate in a daily photo challenge. What a beautiful collage of personal vision and such a lovely timeline of creativity. It doesn't take much aside from one's day. Just a moment of captured imagery through a lens and the posting of the image. That is all it takes. I like the openness and flexible suggestions through Capture Your 365. So, this is the site list I decided to follow, though there are several different ones from which to choose online. Join me, if you think this is a really awesome idea, as well. Don't be shy... Share your collection of photos with all of us. I will certainly be posting mine on my daily photo page. May this year in photos be awesome. Enjoy!

hello to you....

       Welcome to my new blog! My name is Jayme and I am the mother of a couple little rascals I homeschool. The boys are currently in Kindergarten and 3rd grade and the school year has only gotten better as it has unfolded. I am eager to proceed with semester 2, as it begins in a few days from now. We have a lot of literature and a plethora of unit study ideas to accompany those select books.
       You may know a little bit about us from my former blog, Creating a Natural Life, or feel free to look around. Things change. People evolve. New approaches are sometimes at hand. I feel like starting anew. So, I would love for you to join us in our daily on-goings and trivial thoughts.

Here's to new beginnings at "The Chronicles of an Eclectic Family"!!!